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The Petal advantage: See how Petal stacks up against the biggest reference managers out there.
Read more …The dismissal of Sam Altman as OpenAI’s CEO underscores the critical importance of transparency and integrity in corporate leadership. OpenAI’s communication of Altman’s departure and the subsequent leadership transition reflects a commitment to openness and accountability, emphasizing the need for genuine and honest communication to maintain stakeholder trust. As companies navigate leadership changes, these lessons serve as a reminder of the enduring value of ethical conduct and transparent communication.
Read more …Academia, especially during graduate and post-graduate studies, thrives on relationships and shared ideas. Try these tips to get started networking.
Read more …Graduate students and advanced undergrads involved in extensive writing may be forgiven for wondering whether their papers have been arbitrarily graded. Writing – even academic writing – can be as much an art as a craft. This article doesn’t address professors who indeed arbitrarily assign grades (see the related article on ‘how to deal with difficult professors’). The conditions can seem especially unclear for a B student who can’t seem to crack the A code. Here are some thoughts on how to get your paper from a B to an A.
Read more …Now, it is time to start thinking about how you will get through your first semester. The three things you need to prepare for the most before your first semester of grad school are student life, coursework, and research.
Read more …The academic world is full of brilliant minds who are known for their charisma and engaging lectures. Take a moment to complete our quiz below and find out which celebrity professor matches your teaching style!
Read more …Your writing can affect your chances, whether writing a university entrance essay, academic paper, official report, resume cover letter, or email message. Despite its pervasive significance, writing skills do not develop naturally. We’ve aggregated some helpful tips from Stanford University faculty that can significantly improve your writing.
Read more …Before heading into your next group project, take a moment to complete our quiz and find out which labmate you and your teammates are!
Read more …Writing research and academic papers takes a lot of time and effort, but who said that academic papers have to be dull? A little humor or clever pun can go a long way to grabbing the reader's attention or creating buzz around your paper. So, live a little! Here are eight brilliant paper titles that prove a little fun never hurt anyone’s academic career.
Read more …PhD Now and Then, a Retrospective. In the academic world, earning a Ph.D. is the ultimate accomplishment. In the United States, only 1.2% of the population takes their education to this level. There’s a good reason why Ph.D. graduates are so rare. Ph.D. programs are notoriously difficult requiring major time commitments, strict deadlines, and stringent research requirements. Over the last few decades, technology and the way information is shared has transformed the traditional Ph.D. program. Here are 7 ways Ph.D. research has changed, for better or worse.
Read more …The word “paradigm” frequently appears in this discussion. Think of the word as representing a set of habits and routines that characterize the beliefs and actions of large human communities. When a paradigm changes, a whole set of routines and assumptions change as well. Shifting paradigms may seem difficult, but often carry great benefits to the communities involved. .
Read more …In the world of research, managing references is a notoriously cumbersome task. You do not want to be bogged down with tracking your references and citations when you would rather synthesize brilliant insights. In this article you will learn how to distinguish good from great reference managers.
Read more …Going to grad school requires hard work and commitment, and you can expect to spend many hours endeavoring to complete assignments, conduct research, and write papers. Most students must manage their schedules carefully, surrendering some undisciplined freedoms previously available. While such rigor sounds miserable and lonely, it doesn’t have to be so. Here's our seven tips to balance research and romance.
Read more …For graduate schools, these letters of recommendation are a vital part of the application package that helps admissions understand a student. But more, letters of recommendation often provide insight into an applicant’s potential in graduate-level study.
Read more …With so many resources available, finding reliable information on the internet can be tricky. Here's a list of ten online academic resources that are trusted by researchers seeking up-to-date reliable infomation.
Read more …We have compiled a list of 15 important and helpful tools that can make your thesis writing experience more productive and (dare we say it) enjoyable.
Read more …Compiled for their excellence, longevity, and continuing relevance, these academic blogs by professors all feature thought-provoking posts.
Read more …The following is a list of the top academic search engines, each with a different focus and specialty, to make your research efforts easier and faster.
Read more …The key to writing a quality research paper? Setting yourself up for success with Petal. Our platform streamlines your research, so you can focus on your analysis.
Read more …Here are five mistakes students tend to make when researching academic papers, even when they appear to be doing exactly what is asked of them.
Read more …Take a look at the career resources from the world’s top universities to empower your career search as a graduate student.
Read more …Proper citation is necessary to credit original authors for their hard work, provide proof for your research, and enable readers to investigate your sources.
Read more …What started as a way to record the transaction of goods across trade routes, writing has evolved into the complex system that we know of today.
Read more …While AI will never supplant human teachers, it can help facilitate and enhance active engagement between students and educators. Presently, the lack of dedicated funding is a barrier to implementing AI technology broadly.
Read more …At Petal, we strive to make our interviews fun and conversational. After all, not only do we want to know you, we want you to know us!
Read more …Paying full price while you are in school can be hard to do. If you know where to look, you can get steep discounts on things like food, shopping, productivity tools, arts, and entertainment.
Read more …Students spend hundreds of dollars each year on textbooks. Fortunately, there are lots of great resources that you can use to save hundreds of dollars on the textbooks you need.
Read more …The global pandemic has highlighted the many ways technology can enable education outside of a traditional classroom setting. However, this is far from a new development.
Read more …You finally made it through college, and now you are taking the next steps in your education; grad school. It is exciting. There is a lot to relish, but it is not all roses and it is starkly unlike your undergrad experience
Read more …How you manage your time will affect how successful you are in your graduate studies so manage it wisely by avoiding these top grad school time wasters.
Read more …Academic writing is, above all, an exercise in discovering, managing, and creating new understanding.
Read more …You are sitting in the stacks, with a cup of coffee, wondering how you will turn the two pages of incomprehensible gibberish in front of you into a sensible essay before tomorrow morning.
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